Friday, July 30, 2021

Current Conditions

I haven't posted anything here for over 2 years. I have been out for several catfishing trips since then, mostly fishing from shore since I sold my boat. When you have limited mobility in some respects, it definitely makes targeting flathead catfish trickier. But, it can be done. 

I did realize that there are a few advantages to not fishing from a boat. Inevitably, the whole launch/take-out sequence eats up a good amount of time. About the faster I ever got the boat in the water was maybe 20-25 minutes. Then traveling to the good spots cuts into fishing time. Take out, probably another 30 minutes. I can park the car and have baits out between 5-15 minutes. When it's time to pack up, it's way easier to hit the road home. 

Finding good catfish spots, that's much easier from the boat. If a spot isn't happening, it's easy to lift anchor and move. Since I've been mostly fishing for flathead catfish, fishing from shore I've tried to focus on areas where I have a good chance to contact a fish. Luckily, some spots I knew from boat fishing can be reached from the bank also. It's not always as easy, but it can be done. 

Fishing for big fish, it's really about putting in the time. Finding a decent spot, 

having some decent baits, placed in the right area...and waiting. Fishing from shore, it seems to help to fish an area that you spreads baits around. If it's a travel zone, like a neckdown or narrower section of river, even better. 

Nice one from a couple years ago fishing from shore when I was between tow vehicles. 

This summer. Think that was the last night for those pants. I had those forever!
Guidewear from Cabela's. Wore them on a bunch of scout trips over the years.